Additional Information.

The way that Crowley Motors operates is as a drop-shipping company. We process the order and purchase the car directly from the manufacturers. We handle this for our customers because many of the vehicles have to be imported into the USA, and other countries that they are order from and shipped too. There are many things like customs, and duty fees, and other forms of tariffs that have to be paid when items are purchased, and imported into from one country to another. We have these relationships set up already with our professional partnerships with other companies. We do arrange the shipping of the vehicles from the manufacturers to the customers. We do this the fastest, and in the most efficient way as compared to other companies that attempt to do similar operations through drop-shipping. We at Leprechaun, Inc. have been drop-shipping for many years, and know that the items will be picked up by our professional large logistics service provider for parcels, and other items. We also are able to transfer payment to the countries that sometimes our processors do not always work. Their companies, and ours use Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers that are from one bank to another to purchase, and pay services for our customers.

Some of our prices are bit higher than customers may have seen in other places. Before ordering check to make sure that the the price you are pay is the final sale price and you are not on the hook for the filing of importer forms that can bring in thousands of dollars in fines if they are not filed timely, and correctly. The minimum fine is $5,000 for not filing an Importer Security Filing (ISF) with US Customs Department (the people who check items being imported for contraband, and other things). Our prices are the final price that customers will pay because we know the factors that are required to examine in order to determine our final sale price. This means we are never going to give a long story about how your item is not arriving on time.

For more information about how Crowley Motors operates, and how the ordering process works please go ahead and visit our help center that describes exactly how the process works, and lays out how our payment process works to ensure that the orders are processed quickly. We use online networking though Google services allowing all the companies that are involved in an order the ability to view orders as they are placed. So, no one person needs to be sitting and contacting everyone. We use scripted bots that allow for multiple operations to be completed at the same time. The orders are placed, and paid for the payments are then sent out to the correct manufacturers to pay for the items that are being ordered. In simpler words when an order is placed, a portion of the revenue that is obtained from the order is then sent to the people who sell the items, and a shipping invoice is filled out via bot usages. We use bots because they do the operations the exact same way each time, and do not become tired. Bots also have the ability to process thousands of orders in minutes. The time that a person would require would be several weeks. These bots allow Leprechaun, Inc. the processing abilities simultaneously sending out shipping invoices, and paying for the item, and retaining enough to pay the tariffs that the items will have when the arrive. When an order is processed we are also able to offer a tracking number for the items that are ordered through our shipping partners. When a tracking number is immediately sent the item is marked as ready for pickup. That is because the delivery truck in the other country that is picking up the item has not arrived at the factory yet to pick up the item. Later in their day when the item is picked up the status will change. Continue to check the tracking numbers that are provided. If there are problems please feel free to contact

Deliveries are made directly to the address that is provided at the time of check out. We do only ship to the address that is provided by PayPal at the time of of checkout with the items. We do also load the tacking numbers for the items into PayPal's platform to allow for easier tracking of the items. If there are problems with an order please feel free to reach out to Leprechaun, Inc. We are here to help, and try to understand how things are from other people's eyes and ears. When an item is delivered it should be checked to make sure that the item is as ordered. After the item has been opened we will not issue a refund. Please make sure the item is correct upon delivery. For more help please follow