
We are continually balancing our capital in preferred shares of the largest companies in our index with bonds offered by the same companies to have a greater return on investment. Investment in our fund is an investment in a broad-market managed fund. Our fee is 2% of profits from investing. We do not charge a fee that is based on capital invested. Stegosaur Investments, Inc. does not guarantee a gain on investment because of the volatile nature of securities. That is why we do try to speak to each client before any type of investment is made. We do offer financial advice for the best way to maintain wealth throughout our clients' lives. This is our attempt to help clients and potential clients even if that means that investing in our fund may not necessarily be the best choice for all investors.

In an attempt to protect our client's investment we do hold 40% of capital under management as Treasury Notes. We purchased 

30-year T-Notes due to payout on November 15, 2051. 

For a breakdown of how our portfolio has various gains on investments across these various industries follow the LINK.