Leprechaun's Shop.

The Leprechaun Store operates as a division of Leprechaun, Inc. and is wholly controlled by Leprechaun, Inc. The store does also operate through its own website which can be found HERE. The purpose of this page is to give a bit of information about our Leprechaun Store.

The Leprechaun Store is an online department store that does business as a drop-shipping company. Delivery time for our products can take a week, or more depending on the item ordered. We do sell quite a few items through our website, and provide logistics services through our usage of FedEx to schedule, and deliver our parcels. The reason we use FedEx exclusively is because they are a very large company that has the ability to provide top tier services anywhere in the world. This allows Leprechaun’s Store to also provide great customer service by ensuring that we can get the items delivered to our great customers.

Leprechaun’s Store operates from the magnificent city of Oklahoma City. We are a United States based, and run company. We provide services through sales of items in our department store around the world to all countries. Because of the difficulties faced by some of our customers who live in developing countries we do also accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. The cryptocurrencies which are accepted are Bitcoin (BTC), Etherium (ETH), and Cronos (CRO). Those are the only currencies which are accepted as a form of payment. We offer cryptocurrency payment to all customers of all countries.

Price calculation with crypto currency is as follows: Price in dollars ( $ ) divided by the market price of the crypto currency which will be used as payment. For example a customer would like to check out with BTC to find out how many BTC would be required we would enter into our calculators: $ / BTC = (Number of BTC to buy an Item). Our crypto currency check out services are provided by Cronos (crypto.com).

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